Our Partnership Starts Here!
Whether you are a business of one or a company of thousands, the Regional Chamber has something for everyone. With nearly 2,600 members representing a total workforce of more than 125,000 employees in the greater Youngstown-Warren area, the Chamber truly is your business network. We appreciate your interest in membership and invite you to explore all of the benefits we offer and the many ways we may assist you and your business. Click on the options below to learn more or join now, or, if you are currently a member, pay renewal dues.
From numerous programs and special events, to ribbon cutting celebrations and tools to help your business succeed, our list of services is long and continues to grow.
The Regional Chamber offers significant group-saving discounts on healthcare, workers’ compensation, pre-employment screening services and more.
No matter how large or small your company size, our varying levels of membership are designed to accommodate all of your business, development and growth needs.