The 422 Corridor Redevelopment Project is an innovative regional effort to revitalize the 422 corridor for the benefit of the entire Valley. Project partners work across city and county borders to align efforts and create lasting improvements in economic development and business support, neighborhood stabilization and recreational amenities along the 422 Corridor.
The 422 Corridor focus area extends from Liberty Street in Girard to Madison Avenue in Youngstown and includes the Ohio Works, Salt Springs and Riverbend industrial parks, the campus of Vallourec Star and the Parkwood, Brier Hill and Steelton neighborhoods.
Written over a nine-month planning period between July 2013 and May 2014, the 422 planning process involved more than 100 businesses and 400 residents and community stakeholders. The plan's five focus areas include aesthetics, jobs growth, business support, residential stabilization and natural resources.